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We are an innovative storytelling platform that inspires audiences of all ages to spark their imagination and Dream Big!

Ruth's Story

We all have a story to share...

Learn about Ruth's...

What Drives Your Dreams?!

Help Us Fund These Inspiring Stories!

Ruth Steinfeld

We are bringing Survivor Ruth Steinfeld's amazing story to life. We will fight Hate & Antisemitism with a larger program around 

historical Jewish figures. 

Capital Campaign


Dream Big Books full program of 24 books will educate and inspire with stories of athletes and other historical figures. 

Historical Athletes

We are bringing Aaron and Peter Berry's inspiring story to life, as they have used wheelchair basketball to overcome challenges from a tragic accident in 2011. 

Watch some of our completed projects!

Who We Spark!

Our educational platform is designed to engage and support PreK-12th Grade students.  We engage aspiring youth on this journey to dream big and give them tools to realize achievement. We hire high school artists to create group books and college students to create a full book.


Ages 3-10

Improved literacy and enhanced creative thinking

Inspires resilience to overcome Physical and Mental obstacles

Our books are created to educate this age group.


Ages 11-17

Improves self-identity

Teaches storytelling

Team building experiences

Groups of students create a book through our collaborative team programs


Ages 18-26

Career Launching Pad

Creative Up-Skilling

Individual artist is commisioned to produce a full book

Dream Big's Educational Elements 


Dual Language

All of our books tell the story and activities in both English and Spanish. We also print in other languages when appropriate. This expands our reach to ESL readers, while having both languages can serve as a tool to learn new words. 


Activity Pages

The left page of every spread is a Black and White Activity Page that allows kids to interact with the story as well as color the drawing. We also have questions related to the story or life lessons that use the story as teaching moments for the readers. We also have additional activity pages, like asking kids to create their own Celebration Dance. 


We Help Kids Tell Their Story

We give kids a space to write their own story, telling us their dreams, helping them express themselves and opening their mind to other career opportunities. This also shares their dreams with parents, teachers and other figures in their life.  

Each Story Includes A...

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Cover Story & Podcast

An animated cover of the athlete that is ~ 45 seconds long preview of their story. A 15-minute podcast interview between the collegiate athlete and the artist of each book will dive deeper into the athlete's life and the mindset they took to reach their goals and chase their dreams. 


Printed Book

An 30-page book telling the story of the subject overcoming the obstacles they have faced in life to get to where they are today. We focus on what they were like as kids, what obstacles they overcame growing up and what their profession is, to inspire the next generation. Each fully funded book includes 1,500 copies with at least half being donated to underserved communities. 

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Animated Films + Custom Song

A 3-minute animated film of the images from the Printed Book coming to life while the athlete reads the story aloud in their own voice.. 


The second version includes a Custom Song based on the story that is played as you watch the pages of the book being drawn and colored.

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